Once again that time of year has rolled around. It’s Christmas time.
Hidebound are already in our traditional spot at the wonderful Manchester Christmas Market which runs every day until 21st December. http://www.manchester.gov.uk/info/500241/christmas_markets
I'm here in Albert Square with all of my leather tankards, leather goblets (I'm still not sure why people call them chalices) and leather Jacks. Manchester Christmas Market runs until 21st December and is open every day from 10am to 9pm.
We will also be attending the festively fantastic Bury St Edmunds Christmas Fayre which runs from the 23rd of November to the 26th of November. http://www.burystedmundschristmasfayre.co.uk/
So if you're looking for an unusual present, a different gift, or an addition to your growing leather drinking vessel collection, then come on down and see us (bring us something warm and you'll have a friend forever).