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October 2020 Archive

A history of Leather Tankards and Hidebound.

We are often asked what prompted us to make such unusual products. There are many reasons, the main one being that not many other people make them, and we wanted to keep the tradition alive. The idea started when we first saw leather tankards and wine goblets made by another person who, tragically, died a year later. The concept intrigued us, and we experimented making them ourselves. Many months later a reasonable representation of the original resulted but it certainly was not saleable. W[..]

A Brief History of Leather Drinking Vessels

The long history of leather drinking vessels stretches from ancient times to the Crimean War. Moulded leather vessels dating back to ancient Egyptian times have been found and a relief carving on Rekmire Tomb clearly resembles a leather bottle complete with stitching. An early Nubian predynastic grave has revealed a leather vessel at the head of the occupant where a pottery one would normally be found.
Moving to western Europe, in 1848 a silver lipped leather cup was found near Buxton.